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Mammcarerun: Charity Website for Breast Cancer Awareness

Building a free charity website to help spread breast cancer awareness and support the cause.

Overview of Project Mammcarerun

Amanda Project
Mammcarerun, a charity initiative, needed a website to spread breast cancer awareness. We designed and developed a site at no cost, focusing on a user-friendly interface to support this important cause.
We created a website for Mammcarerun, offering a modern and accessible design. This free service aimed to enhance the charity’s outreach efforts, providing a platform for effective communication and awareness about breast cancer.

Challenges and Solution of Project

Mammcarerun faced challenges with limited resources and a need for a compelling online presence. The original site lacked functionality and effectiveness in spreading awareness and engaging with the audience.
We addressed these challenges by developing a user-friendly and visually appealing website. Our design improved navigation and functionality, making it easier for the charity to share critical information and engage with supporters effectively.

Results and Improvements

The new Mammcarerun website significantly boosted awareness and engagement. The improved design facilitated better communication of breast cancer information and increased the charity’s visibility and outreach.
Future enhancements could include integrating interactive features like donation portals and live event updates. These additions would further support the charity’s mission and enhance user interaction and involvement.


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